Life Can Make Us Feel LikeWe are a Feather in Flight, but God Knows Where We’ll Land

The Unconfined Way
2 min readFeb 11, 2021


“Before I formed you in the womb,

I knew you.

Before you were born I

Set you apart.”

Jeremiah 1:5

Do you ever feel that your life is on a feather’s journey? Floating around, up-down-right-left, never sure where it will land? Some days you make good choices and some days you mess up. You are great in one area, then stink in another. How is it all going to fit together?

You’re not in this floating feather journey alone you know. God has known you since before you first uttered a sound. He has a plan for your life. YOUR responsibility is to stay close to Him —

Talk to Him every day,

Listen to Him to speak to you,

Read His Word,

Seek His guidance.

Here’s a tip:

Turn off your phone, shut down the iPad.

Close your door and spend alone time with God.

Then watch how perfectly His plans unfold in time.



The Unconfined Way

If the Light is in your Heart, you will find THE WAY…† We’re unconfined in sharing Awareness, Truth, & The Way to Jesus.