Living Life From The Soul vs. The Ego

The Unconfined Way
2 min readJun 16, 2020


Do you choose your Ego or Soul?

Do you know the difference between your Soul, and your Ego?

The moment you do, it can be a huge transformation!

Your EGO is the mask you wear, the false image you have of yourself and your labels and position in society.

Your SOUL is the true you, the you behind the mask and labels. It cannot change as your Soul is the you, you are born as.

When your ego is in charge, you find yourself repetitively thinking and doing. Your negative emotions consume you and you seek outside validation. Inside your mind you constantly think about the things you are failing at, you have much self-doubt and self-criticism.

You feel that you are only as good as what you have, like money or your job, and what other people think matters more than anything. If anyone says something that hurts your ego, you are easily bruised.

You cannot handle any outside criticism. We all need our ego and it has a purpose, but don’t allow it to rule and run your life. It’s not the real you.

When your Soul is in charge, everything is synchronized and everything feels “right”. You follow God’s Word, your intuition, gut feelings, you accept yourself and truly love yourself despite the flaws your ego brings to your attention. Your happiness is not dependent on worldly desires, only God’s desires for you, and you easily forgive yourself and others.

You are not influenced by the media, advertising, people, movies, music, ect….and what you want is not a reflection of what ego tells you, you want.

You do not feel fear but free and your understanding of life is enhanced as you follow God’s path and allow life to unfold without trying to control it.

By listening to our inner voice, our Soul, instead of pushing it aside we learn to trust what God is telling us.

God’s love, happiness, wisdom and courage all steam from our Soul so it is important to allow it to flourish over ego.

While it can be hard to let your ego take a back seat, remember that when you do that your Soul will not be harmed the way ego can.

Your life will improve tremendously with praying everyday. and giving your entire self to Jesus is all you need to get on the path of the Soul.

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We are in this together.



The Unconfined Way

If the Light is in your Heart, you will find THE WAY…† We’re unconfined in sharing Awareness, Truth, & The Way to Jesus.