What A Virus Can’t Take Away From You

The Unconfined Way
2 min readJun 14, 2020

It only took 1 virus to make the whole world come to a screeching halt. We are reminded how fragile life really is.

Pleasure and possessions do not last.

“It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for.” Epheisians 1:11

If your identity is in status and stuff, there is another way. It is in Christ we find out why we are here and our purpose.

In John 10:10 Jesus said: “I came to give life- life in all its fullness.”

Jesus came to give you fulfillment in a world that doesn’t fulfill. It is why we always need more of whatever it is we are going after because it doesn’t fulfill us. That means a virus can take away your job, your retirement, eating out, being with friends, it can even make you sick. But it cannot take your peace, your joy, your fulfillment in life because none of that is built on sand, it is placed in Christ.

In your life, are there some things that can change in a good way because of the pandemic?

Is it possible that this massive obstacle is a massive opportunity? A setback for a setup? God is doing something. Right now, in you.

Tomorrow we will continue about what gift we all have been given in this.

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The Unconfined Way

If the Light is in your Heart, you will find THE WAY…† We’re unconfined in sharing Awareness, Truth, & The Way to Jesus.