Modern Day Slavery Exists But Where is it in the Media?

The Unconfined Way
3 min readJul 31, 2020


The Truth on Human Trafficking You Need To Know.

Where is all this on the news? While the media keeps you blind and consumed with the recent Covid-19 numbers and racial protests in your face, the REAL PROBLEM continues to run and grow, especially as a result of the Covid Lockdowns increasing it by 90.46%!! Human trafficking-Child Sex trafficking is all races and genders. Pedophilia and porn feed these rinks. The “Elitists” that are working to run this country are billionaires from this Multi-Billion Dollar annual money maker alone. THIS is the disgusting problem that needs to be all over the news in everyone’s faces. THIS is what we need to be TOGETHER on to fight for the innocent…the ones who can’t fight for themselves. (Proverbs 31:8)

I live in a suburban area where I purposely sought out to be a safer environment for my family after living in the city all my life. A few years back, I learned that my town is one of the largest sex trafficking areas. A friend told me what occurred just at our local Target store involving her pregnant friend and her 2 year old daughter. It wasn’t a man, but 2 WOMEN working to abduct them literally inside the store. Thankfully they were able to avoid it, but what if her daughter was in an aisle alone for just 2 seconds?

What if…it was my own daughter?


Spread THIS awareness so we can shine a light on all this and actually do something to end it. For ALL.


Trafficking Hotline: 1–888–373–7888, SMS: BeFree (Txt:HELP or INFO)

See @ourrescure, text HELPTHEM to 51555

Learn indicators at

#GetLoud on Social Media & Everywhere

Write to legislature: MORE Specialized Law Enforcement (DON’T DEFUND THE POLICE!)

EXPOSE the darkness





Sources: National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, CyberTipline reports,



The Unconfined Way

If the Light is in your Heart, you will find THE WAY…† We’re unconfined in sharing Awareness, Truth, & The Way to Jesus.